Book Reviews

A Change of Climate by Hilary Mantel: Betrayal and Forgiveness

I almost abandoned A Change of Climate but some part of my brain signalled that I should press on.  Which was fortunate because, whereas the first half of the book is deceptively quiet and largely uneventful, Hilary Mantel more than makes up for it with a dramatic and emotional second half.

The story concerns Ralph and Anna Eldred, parents of four children, who live in a large and dilapidated house in Norfolk. They give the appearance of being selfless do-gooders, opening their home to drug addicts, homeless kids, waifs and strays; all of them beneficiaries of a religious charitable trust set up by Ralph’s father.

Cover of A Change of Climate, a novel about betrayal and forgiveness by Hilary Mantel

But there are clearly some tensions in this set up. The trust sucks up all their money and Ralph feels drained by the constant need to beg for funds. Although the problems of rural deprivation are as acute as ever, his level of satisfaction with helping its victims is on the wane.

He was torn, divided. The demands of the world dragged on his conscience; but did he do enough for his own family? … Today he had just one more letter to do …Yawned. But, he told himself, don’t despise these little things; they add up. A tiny series of actions, of small duties well performed, eventually does some good in the world. That’s the theory anyway.

Anna feels increasingly alienated from her husband. He spends all his time in meetings or on the phone solving the latest crisis while she’s left coping with a draughty house smelling of mice and mould. She and her children are worn down by the trail of ‘‘good souls and sad cases’ Ralph has brought into their lives to try and rehabilitate them – with little success.

Secrets From The Past

For a long time I thought this was a fairly typical story about a marriage in difficulty. But I was proved wrong because as the novel progresses, it becomes clear that the fragility of the Eldred’s relationship is the consequence of an event twenty years ago when they were missionaries at a remote station in South Africa.

It’s not until the second half, when the novel moves back to the late 1950s, that we discover the nature of the catastrophe that befell them and that has affected their lives ever since. From that point on, A Change of Climate was transformed into a novel about pain and suffering, betrayal and forgiveness.

The act of horror perpetrated on the Eldreds causes Ralph to lose hope that they will ever feel safe or to blindly believe in goodness. In a letter to his uncle he says prayers are futile because he no longer knows to what he would be praying.

Before now I have looked at the world and I have seen no compelling evidence of the goodness of God, but I chose to believe in it because I thought it was more constructive to do so. I thought here was order in the world, at least – a ind of progress, a meaning, a pattern. But where is the pattern now?

Family Tragedy

A Change of Climate is a cleverly constructed novel in which the revelation is delayed while Hilary Mantel steadily builds up the story of the couple’s life post Africa. The book moves backwards and forwards in time, introducing us to each of their children and Ralph’s unmarried sister Emma, a stabilising force for all the Eldreds.

Hilary Mantel’s style in this novel is noticeably different to that in much of her other work. it’s quieter in tone for much of the time, but no less emotionally affecting, particularly in the final section. This is a novel that asks about forgiveness and whether it is possible to escape the past.

It’s well worth reading, you just have to give it time to mature.

This review was published at in 2019. This is an updated version with formatting changes to improve readability and upgrade to the WordPress block editor platform. It is re-published in support of #throwbackthursday hosted by Davida @ The Chocolate Lady’s Book Review Blog.


What do you need to know about me? 1. I'm from Wales which is one of the countries in the UK and must never be confused with England. 2. My life has always revolved around the written and spoken word. I worked as a journalist for nine years then in international corporate communications 3. My tastes in books are eclectic. I love realism and hate science fiction and science fantasy. 4. I am trying to broaden my reading horizons geographically by reading more books in translation

15 thoughts on “A Change of Climate by Hilary Mantel: Betrayal and Forgiveness

  • I love the range of her writing and how her voice and that probing mind always comes through. Even if she wrote about the most boring subject on earth, I’d still read it.

    • I do want to read A Place of Greater Safety though I think I need to understand the French Revolution a little more deeply

      • It still surprises me that it was the first book she wrote though not the first published and it did undergo some revision – an impressive way to write about such problematic figures.

        • I hadn’t heard about the revisions. You’ve triggered a curiosity about that now Jule

  • Thanks for participating… Mantel isn’t really my style, but I’m glad you enjoyed it!

    • I find her styles vary so much – apart from the Cromwell trilogy she rarely seems to write the same kind of book twice

      • Ah, so this isn’t Cromwell… okay… I’ll have to look into her more (the hype of those Cromwell books was too much for me, but the TV series was marvelous, mostly because of Mark Rylance)!

        • Change of Climate is set partly in South Africa so a million years away from Cromwell!

  • Sounds very interesting. I’ve not read any Mantel, shockingly – I should do! Especially her French Revolution one!

  • Judy Krueger

    I will get to this one. I am glad to know your thoughts on it. That first quote from the father sounds like the way I feel about my blog half the time. Ha ha.

  • Must look for that in our local library. Thanks for telling us about it.

  • I have not read Mantel but I would like to. This sounds different from her other books but I have heard that some books of her books are very original and different. I will hopefully read her in the coming year.

  • Hi Karen, is this a new one, or one from her backlist?

    • It’s from her back catalogue Lisa. Published in 1994.

      • I’ve read some of her early ones too, and liked them a lot.


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