Book Reviews

Where writers write

G. B Shaw's writing hut. Photo credit:
G. B Shaw’s writing hut. Photo credit:

Where do you write? Its one of the most popular questions posed whenever a bunch of aspiring authors get to meet the real thing. The answers quickly dispel any romantic ideas that the forging of a masterpiece requires a sparsely furnished garret or purpose built shed in some enchanted corner of the garden.

The writing shed at Laugharne, where Under Milk Wood was created
The writing shed at Laugharne, where Under Milk Wood was created

Sheds do have their uses it seems. George Bernard Shaw built one as a special writing hut in the garden of his home in Hertfordshire, England. The hut was built on a revolving mechanism which enabled him to follow the sun throughout the day as he wrote.  In a case of literary one-upmanship, Michael Morpugo built what he calls “a storyteller’s house.” Designed by his wife based on an Anglo-Saxon chapel in Essex, it boasts a Devon thatched roof, a Japanese garden and an uninterrupted view of the countryside, looking towards Dartmoor. Virginia Woolf had a converted toolshed but found it so impossibly cold in the winter she couldn’t hold her pen. My fellow national Dylan Thomas also had a writing shed. It’s absolutely nothing special to look at from the outside but from the rear window underneath which Thomas had his desk, he could look out onto the wide expanse of Cardigan Bay and watch the light playing on the water as the tide swept in.

Other writers prefer the humdrum normality of domesticity when creating the “room of one’s own”. Penelope Lively simply sits in an armchair with an “ancient electronic typewriter” on her lap; Ray Bradbury used the living room and bedrooms of his parent’s house in his early years.  Jane Austen carved out a small space near the seldom-used front door as a secret writing corner.  A creaking swing door gave her warning when anyone was coming, and she refused to have the creak remedied. Michael Morpugo apparently writes in bed though this is a rather special contraption

That oddity apart, there are a whole host of writers whose creative juices are unleashed far away from the domestic sphere. Bradbury presumably found his parents’ home too restrictive since he took himself off the the UCLA library to write Fahrenheit 451. Libraries too were the locations of choice for George Eliot, Virginia Woolf and G.B Shaw (all of whom were regular users of the Reading Roomat the British Museum in London).  For Herman Melville and Willa Cather the New York Society Library was one of their favourite haunts.  Maya Angelou used to escape from her home to a hotel on days when she wanted to write. In a  2013 interview with The Daily Beast, she explained how she kept a hotel room in her hometown and paid for it by the month.

I go around 6:30 in the morning. I have a bedroom, with a bed, a table, and a bath. I have Roget’s Thesaurus, a dictionary, and the Bible. Usually a deck of cards and some crossword puzzles.

Angelou had all the paintings and any decoration taken out of the room and banned all the hotel staff from entering it “just in case I’ve thrown a piece of paper on the floor, I don’t want it discarded”.

Edinburgh Cafe, The Elephant House: The birthplace of Harry Potter
Edinburgh Cafe, The Elephant House: The birthplace of Harry Potter

By now of course we all know the story of how J.K Rowling produced the phenomenally successful Harry Potter series while sitting in an Edinburgh cafe. Although Rowling has said the idea of the boy wizard was conceived on a train journey, much of the writing was done in the back room of the Elephant House cafe overlooking the castle. It’s now one of the spots in the city that tourists love to visit. (Nearby Nicholson’s cafe where she also wrote is now a Chinese restaurant). For Rowling, a single mother struggling to make ends meet on state benefits, it was cheaper to buy a few coffees in these cafes than to heat her apartment.

It seems she’s not the only writer to find a stint in a cafe more productive than a few hours in their own home no matter how comfortable their study/workshop/writer’s den.  In the Literary Hub just recently crime fiction supremo Jo Nesbø revealed that he although he has what he calls “the perfect writing room” constructed in the attic of his apartment and with a view of the hills of Oslo, he actually prefers to write in the corridor of a coffee shop. He goes there early each day to try and make sure to snaffle one of the two tables in the corridor since those are the only ones he finds conducive to writing. He will share a table if necessary but much prefers it if his companion moves off when they finish their coffee rather than engaging him in conversation.

I’m astonished he can concentrate enough to be creative. Most coffee shops I frequent these days are horribly noisy joints full of squawking infants (some places look more like a crèche than a cafe), and people from nearby offices trying to look terribly important when talking very loudly on their phones. Mix that in with the thumps as the barista tamps the coffee thingy on the counter to release the grounds before the next customer’s order; the hissing of the steam to create cappucchino foam, the pulverising of yet more beans and the grinding of ice for smoothies and you have one hell of a racket. I often can’t get out of the door fast enough but next time I’ll go looking in the darker recesses. I might just spot a writer in hot pursuit of a prize winning novel.





What do you need to know about me? 1. I'm from Wales which is one of the countries in the UK and must never be confused with England. 2. My life has always revolved around the written and spoken word. I worked as a journalist for nine years then in international corporate communications 3. My tastes in books are eclectic. I love realism and hate science fiction and science fantasy. 4. I am trying to broaden my reading horizons geographically by reading more books in translation

21 thoughts on “Where writers write

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  • I love this post! It’s fun to think about so many famous authors writing in their local libraries and coffee shops. (I see people writing at Starbucks all the time and have done it myself). The story about Maya Angelou is the best, though – I can just see her worrying over her scraps of paper on the floor!

    • did you get much writing done? I think I’d end up people watching more than writing

  • I have a very nice room and a desk I love but in the last few years I have migrated my writing preference to a chaise in the corner of the living room by a big picture window. That way the cats can curl up next to me instead of constantly walking over my keyboard or standing in front of the screen. I’ve never tried writing in a cafe, they always seem like they would be too noisy to concentrate.

  • Everything I’ve read about writers is that they need(ed) to have a routine to help them establish the habit of writing. Wallace Stegnar would go into his office and keep regular hours. not sure if his office was special but the act of going to it and keeping hours helped him write. Madeleine L’Engle rented a room in a church as her writing space. I think that is a good idea to separate home from “work.”

  • joyweesemoll

    In my neighborhood, I covet the detatched garages with office space above. I would love to get out of the house, but not too far away!

    As it is, I write in a spare bedroom that overlooks the balcony of the sunroom — light but not glare, a view of green things (more in the summer), and plenty of space for projects. So, I really can’t complain!

    I love the idea of renting a hotel room but would have a hard time justifying the expense when I’m not making any money from writing.

    • that sounds like a good spot Joy. I don’t have a view of anything in the winter since its too cold to sit in the conservatory

  • I could never understand how writers can concentrate in any public places. Then again, I’ve never tried it. 🙂
    I personally would love to have that rotating shed. As long as it’s heated.

    • I do wonder about the quality of the output – do they get home and then totally rewrite everything?

  • My own preference is a mixture of home and cafes. A hubbub of noise is fine but a small cafe with a person with a carrying voice and I’m doomed. Look for writers in corners that’s where I tend to be. I love the idea of a rotating hut that follows the sun – very grand!

    • complete silence would be equally as disconcerting wouldn’t it? would make you feel you’re in a church

  • I moved last September and haven’t been able to find a new place to write in my home. My husband built me a beautiful desk, which is a little bit of added pressure I think!

    • you’ll probably have to play around with different options until you find just the right spot

  • I’m like you and find cafes generally too noisy to be productive (but my husband spends hours at a local café working – the staff keep bringing him coffee and he comes home when his laptop battery dies! BTW, he does have an office to go to!).

    • Some are fine but I made the mistake a week ago of timing my visit just as the schools finished for the afternoon. never again

  • It’s interesting how some cafés manage to maintain a pleasant ambience and others are hellholes of noise. I’m not looking for a place to write, I want somewhere to read, and I’m lucky that there are quite a few near where I live where there is just a quiet hum of adults chatting.
    Our State Library used to be a quiet place where writers went, and university libraries were quiet too, but that’s considered old fashioned now and everyone’s allowed to talk. I don’t know how people get by if they don’t have anywhere quiet to go…

  • I find it hard to concentrate for very long in cafes, but they are great places to eavesdrop on conversations and be inspired for dialogue. As you may have noticed, I am more than a little obsessed with writers’ workplaces and houses, as if the right environment will somehow confer a little of their genius on me!

    • oh yes they do have that benefit of being able to observe people

  • The poet Elizabeth Jennings was another writer who did most of her work in one particular cafe in Oxford. I believe they kept a table for her. And Paula McLean wrote ‘The Paris Wife’ in a Starbucks for the same reason as Rowling. It was the cheapest way of spending the day. I do a lot of reading in cafes but I’m afraid the writing bug hasn’t caught up with me yet.

    • I would find it easier to lose myself in reading rather than writing in those conditions.


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