Book ReviewsBritish authors

Eye Opening Tale of Stitchers and Ringers

A Single Thread by Tracy Chevalier

If you’ve ever taken up  painting, playing a musical instrument or cross stitch, then you’ll know how utterly absorbing these activities can be. 

In A Single Thread, Tracy Chevalier shows how engrossing yourself in an interest can also be a form of salvation.

A Single ThreadIt’s embroidery that comes to the rescue for the protagonist, Violet Speedwell.  It rescues her from a life where her only choices are to stay at home with her over-bearing embittered mother or live hand-to-mouth in a draughty boarding house and drudge each day as a typist. 

Violet is what the newspapers of the 1930s labelled a “surplus woman”: unmarried and likely to remain so because vast numbers of eligible men died during World War 1.  The war was a double tragedy for Violet, both her fiancée and brother having fallen at Passchendale. She is still mourning their loss 16 years later.

Desperate to get away from the stultifying atmosphere of home, she moves to Winchester to take up a secretarial job. But still she feels she is living only half a life. 

I felt as if I were in a deep hole that took me so long to climb out of. It was as if I were sleepwalking, awake but unable to say anything or do anything to make my life come to to life again.

It isn’t until she visits the cathedral and discovers the broderers, a group of women creating intricate canvas embroidery for kneelers and cushions, that she finds fulfilment and friendship. 

Under the mentorship of the group’s founder Louisa Pesel, Violet flourishes.  Her nights at the boarding house are no longer an ordeal when she has her stitches to practice. She gains the confidence to negotiate higher wages from her employer and to handle her mother’s demands. Romance beckons in the shape of a bell ringer at the cathedral, though it’s a forbidden love since Arthur Knight is already married.


A Celebration of Stitches 

The story is reasonable though ideally I would have preferred more drama and greater variety in pace. The elements did exist. For example, there’s a stalker who accosts Violet in a field and again near the Cathedral one dark night (no prizes for guessing who comes to her rescue!).

There’s also tension within the borderers because of one member who’s very bossy. And we have a lesbian love affair that raises eyebrows in the ultra conservative cloistered world of Winchester.

Unfortunately they all seem to fizzle out too quickly.  

But I’ll forgive Tracy Chevalier because there were two aspects of this novel that were simply wonderful. 

This is a writer who can take an artist or a great work of art and pluck from her research a story of its creation that is rich in detail and historically accurate. A Girl In A Pearl Earring opened up the world of Vermeer and a later novel, The Lady and the Unicorn, delved into the world of tapestry weavers in sixteenth century Brussels.

In A Single Thread she turns her attention to the work of Broderers’ Guild  in Winchester. The members took inspiration from the Cathedral’s medieval tiles; using cross, tent and rice stitches to form intricate patters of medallions, Celtic knots, trees of life and flowers.  The kneelers, cushions and alms bags had a practical purpose – they were used everyday by the congregation and clergy – but they also wanted them to be beautiful, as befitting the grandeur of the Cathedral. 

A Single Thread

Tracy Chevalier shows how this is a painstaking exercise, demanding precision and attention to detail but get it right and the canvas comes alive. As Violet discovers:

…once you were skilled enough, you could settle into it and empty your mind of all but the work in front of you. Life then boiled down to a row of blue stitches that became a long braid across the canvas, or a sunburst of red that became a flower. 

It’s hardly surprising that Violet finds stitching more satisfying than typing contracts. 

I’ve tried tapestry work myself and would have loved Louisa Pesel as a tutor. I doubt however that my work would be anywhere near the standard of those cathedral stitchers. But I’d have more of a chance at proficiency in embroidery than I would at bell ringing.

 Ringing the Changes

I’m rather like Violet when she has her first introduction to ringing:

She could not make out any pattern in these bells ≠ though each was clearly struck they seemed to clatter over each other in no particular order. Yet they were deliberate, not chaotic. It was like listening to people speaking German and sensing there was a grammar and structure, a rhythm and logic to it, even if you could not understand the meaning. 

Arthur tries to explain:

We start by ringing the five bells down the scale, one after the other. These are called rounds. Then we switch the order of two of the bells, so that each sequence of bells is different from the last. We call them changes. One of the rules of change-ringing is that no sequence is repeated.

It’s all to do with maths apparently and something called factorials. Don’t ask me to explain; I can only just cope with fractions and equations. I suppose the only way to really understand what’s going on is to climb up into a bell tower and watch the ringers in action. I wonder whether Tracy Chevalier did that as part of her research? Since I’m highly unlikely to summon up enough courage to climb so high I shall just learn to appreciate the magnificence of the sound that comes out of that tower.  

There’s no doubt that this is a highly readable book with some interesting characters (I loved the depiction of Violet’s mum) and fascinating historical detail. 

A Single Thread: Fast Facts

  • A Single Thread by Tracy Chevalier will be published by The Borough Press in September 2019. My copy was provided by the publishers in exchange for a balanced review.
  • Louisa Pesel is a real person. She was the first President of the Embroiderers’ Guild of England in 1920.
  • Jane Austen is buried in Winchester Cathedral,She has a modest gravestone whose inscription records her personal virtues and stoicism, but makes no mention of her writing.




What do you need to know about me? 1. I'm from Wales which is one of the countries in the UK and must never be confused with England. 2. My life has always revolved around the written and spoken word. I worked as a journalist for nine years then in international corporate communications 3. My tastes in books are eclectic. I love realism and hate science fiction and science fantasy. 4. I am trying to broaden my reading horizons geographically by reading more books in translation

27 thoughts on “Eye Opening Tale of Stitchers and Ringers

  • I haven’t read anything from Chevalier for some time. I loved A Girl in A pearl Earring. Nice review. 🙂

    • it’s been many years too since I read her Marje. The last few novels haven’t appealed much to me.

  • Nice review. I am anxious to get this one. I’ve enjoyed most of her books–though I did not like one character in At The Edge of the Orchard.

    • I don’t know that book. Strange, I thought I knew all her work even if I’ve not read them all

  • Being a fashion designer, the book title caught my attention at first sight. Reading through your review, I think it’s a must read for me.

    • I think you’ll get even more out of this than I did – Chevalier has some interesting information about the significance of one of the motifs

  • I loved Tracy Chevalier, especially A Girl with a Pearl Earring & Lady and the Unicorn. This would be an auto-buy, then!

    • It’s not as strong a story as the two previous books you loved but still a lovely way to indulge yourself for a few hours

  • I’m not a fan of historical fiction but Chevalier certainly has a knack for bringing old times back to life. And for writing about arts and crafts. A few years ago I reviewed The Lat Runaway, and it had a big side story in British and US quilts, which apparently are sown differently.

    • I never got to read that one – now I’m more interested based on your comment

  • I love books that teach me about an aspect of crafts or music in this way. As an amateur and not very good needlewoman myself, this one appeals and so does the earlier one you mention about the Brussels tapestry weavers. It’s a pity you felt the plotting side was weak, but the rest sounds interesting enough to have just about carried it…

    • That’s exactly it – the plot was fine but just needed more of an edge to make it interesting

  • I have a review copy of this book, but haven’t had a chance to read it yet. I’ve enjoyed some of Tracy Chevalier’s other books so I’m hoping I’ll like this one too. All the detail about embroidery and bell ringing sounds fascinating.

    • the book was saved by those elements Helen – otherwise the story was just so-so

  • I know just the person to give this to. Her embroidery and lace work have to be seen to be believed.

    • I know my work wouldn’t pass the quality test – the back is always too untidy

  • This book i snow on my list. Thank you!

    • I love it when I can add to another reader’s bookshelves – makes me feel less guilty about how much I buy

  • This sounds fascinating about the world of embroidery – I’ve never read any of her work before.

    • I wouldn’t recommend starting with this one – there are two earlier books that are far better. Girl with a Pearl Earring and the Lady and the Unicorn

  • I agree, Chevalier is at her best when she writes about art. I liked The Lady and the Unicorn even more than A Girl In A Pearl Earring but I have been very unimpressed by some of her other efforts (most notably New Boy which was a real dud IMO) so I’m glad she’s made a return to what she does best and am looking forward to this one.

    • I haven’t read in her in quite a while. Her most recent books were about topics and issues that didn’t call to me.

  • This sounds wonderful though I think I would do better with the bel,s than the stitches. 🤠🐧🌹

  • Judy Krueger

    I have been so curious about this novel. Thanks for your review! I have read three of her novels and I kind of appreciate that she doesn’t go in for the usual tricks of making an “exciting” story. I feel that makes it easier somehow to really get into her characters.

    • Without the historical info and the content around bell ringing and sewing, this novel would have Ben quite flat. The characterisations hadn’t been sharpened enough to compensate for lack of dramatic content.


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