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About Booker Talk

Love Talking About Books? Great. You’re In The Right Place

That’s exactly what you get at BookerTalk: conversations about books. They might be reactions to the book I’ve just read or chats about my latest purchases or what I’m planning to buy next. Occasionally I might grumble about the size of the TBR mountain.

This is a space where I get to meet people who share my passion for reading. Because, let’s face it, when we’re not reading we’re either buying books or talking about them.

Who Is Booker Talk?

I’m Karen. A life-long book addict from Wales.

This is me back in the day when my hair was shorter, and the wrinkles smaller. I used to be a suit-wearing corporate wallah but today I’m more likely to be found in gym wear and jeans.

I love reading books.

I love talking about books. To anyone and everyone. And I really do mean everyone. Strangers on trains, in hospital waiting rooms, in cafes; the minute I see someone reading a book, I can’t resist the temptation to start up a conversation.

It’s a habit that exhausts my friends and relatives. When the eyes began to roll the minute I mentioned a book, I knew it was time to change the topic.

Starved of book chat, I created BookerTalk eight years ago. My plan initially was just to blog about my project to read all the Booker Prize winners. But over the years my interests have grown so today the blog is a melting pot of reviews, discussions and interviews.

What can you expect from BookerTalk?

Within the pages of BookerTalk you’ll find reviews of books from 19th century fiction to contemporary literature; from historical fiction to fiction in translation. There may even be a crime novel now and again. These reviews are my personal reactions, whether good, bad or indifferent.

One thing I promise you: This is a blog site completely free of books whose covers feature bare chested guys or smouldering women with long lashes and pouty lips. That might be the last book in the shop but no way am I buying!

You’ll also find book recommendations. Perfect for people like you who need to fill gaps in those bookshelves.

And there’s a special corner I reserve just for sharing my passion for the literature of my home country of Wales. I call it Cwtch Corner because in Wales we do love to cwtch (cuddle up) with our friends. So you’ll find interviews with Welsh authors and features on Welsh literature.

For authors and publishers

I do enjoy reading new fiction so I do accept review requests from publishers. Please take time to read my review policy before sending me any review requests.

I do not accept review requests directly from authors or review self published books.

Let’s Get Talking

I love hearing from anyone else who shares my passion for books.

You can connect with me in several ways:

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